I am now COLLAGE SHEET GIRL... 'cause I sell collage sheets and I'm a girl.... and it's easier to remember and find on the search engines.
Anyways, the new website http://www.collagesheetgirl.com/is up and running! Please come bye and take a look and grab this beautiful free vintage image while you are there.
Kate I found you while looking on youtube "how to paint luggage." I love your things. Are you on facebook? I'd love to be FB friends. I live in Salem, NH. Next week I need to order things from you.
Lisa Dzioba
Kate I found you on youtube searching"how to paint on luggage." Are you on facebook? I love your things. I live in NH too.I need to order some items from you next week.
Lisa D
Thanks Lisa, Sorry I did not respond earlier. just finding my way around this blog site. If you sell your work I wish you many sales. kate
My face book name is kate bangs... I think..LOL. still trying to figure that out also.
Kate I love your things, found you from searching the web. I just love those old photo witch pictures, they are so cute.
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